Well In.com the horizontal portal from web18 whose expensive domain name was talk of the town has been very active offlate making upteen number of changes not only on In.com but also on other sister sites of Web18 which are being integrated as a part of In.com. So which are the Web18 sites that are now a part of In.com? Storeguru.com the ecommerce portal is now -> Shop.in.com Buzz18.com the entertainment portal is now -> Buzz18.in.com Josh18.com the hindi portal is now -> josh18.in.com Cricketnext.com the cricket portal is now -> Cricketnext.in.com Tech2.com the tech news portal is now -> Tech2.in.com  Yes! even if you type tech2.com on your browser or Cricketnext.com on your browser it will redirect you to tech2.in.com and cricketnext.in.com respectively! Now why would Web18 which actually invested quite a lot of its funding in creating or acquiring these brands and domain equity now suddenly shift everything to In.com? The answer according to me is consolidation of traffic. Till now besides for moneycontrol.com and ibnlive.com most of the other large web18 properties have been integrated under the In.com domain name. Im sure pretty soon even compareindia.com the shopping comparison portal that web18 acquired and Indiwo.com the women centric portal would also be integrated. The reason is clear Web18 see’s a winner in In.com. The response to In.com has been phenomenal (Check alexa and Google charts below)   In.com has overtaken sify.com in traffic according to both alexa and google trends. So it surely can be termed as the 3rd largest Indian portal now behind Rediff.com and Indiatimes.com. Its no surprise then that Web18 is searching a winner in In.com and therefore integrating all its verticals under one umbrella which can create a fortune for a company thats making losses as of now. Launch of Shopping, Photo sharing and Mobile version? As mentioned earlier Web18 has not only integrated storeguru.com which it had launched earlier this year but has also made it into shop.in.com. The other interesting launches is a photo sharing feature much like flickr.com which hints at more social networking features in the future as well. Last but certainly not the least In.com has gone mobile and can be access on m.in.com and the site is created by Mi Channels of July systems which also recently created their Cricketnext mobile version. I guess July systems is doing all the web18 mobile versions from what it seems. We have sent an email to In.com to know more about the real reason behind these integrations and their future plans. So stay tuned to know more from the horses mouth. Related Posts Also Check Out: WATShow.com - Our Video Show WATJob.com - Our Job Site WATGame.com - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  We reported on Nayanaya.mobi being launched today morning and there being a confusion on the business model and monetization of third party content on Nayanaya sites. So we got in touch with Mr.Rajesh Jain as promised and questioned him about the details of the Nayanaya launch. Here is the interview  1) What is the objective/business case behind launching nayanaya breaking new mobile sites when you already have mytoday? The business case is to fulfill the need for information on the move. The latest updates on the mobile every minute – using the power of RSS technology. MyToday brings a wider range of information – while NayaNaya offers the latest updates by aggregating the information from various sources. 2) What would be the monetization model for these sites? That’s not the focus right now. It is an interesting concept, and a service I personally found very useful. I think many others will. Our goal is to popularise the mobile Internet, because once that happens all of us benefit. 3) How many gprs users are there currently in India? how many do you see using this service? IAMAI report on MVAS – (Aug2008) - When the subs base was 286 million, 65 million were GPRS enabled, 15-16 million were activated while the actual users are sub-10 million. We hope about 10% use the service in a year. 4) How many gprs users do you expect in 3 years time? We are expecting the traffic to Naya naya portals combined to move reach 10 million page views per day in next year — a million mobile users with 10 page views per day. 5) Are you going to launch sms alert service for these nayanaya portals as well? We definitely see a need for sms integration – where the user gets an alert whenever a new update on the topic/phrase of his choice comes in one of the stories at NayaNaya. 6) How do the nayanaya portals complement your existing mytoday business? We are trying to bring the latest information to mobile users – our MyToday Dailies & NayaNaya offer 2 different mechanisms for the similar kind of information. For those who wish to receive crisp/latest information on SMS – our dailies cater to this audience. While for those who are on the mobile Internet – our NayaNaya verticals offer the latest on a whole set of topics to users who have access to mobile Internet. Related Posts Also Check Out: WATShow.com - Our Video Show WATJob.com - Our Job Site WATGame.com - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  Well we had blogged about the fact that 3G auction could be delayed and delayed it is but not by much its scheduled to be two weeks later than the earlier scheduled date due to requests by operators and bankers. The premise is that most global fund start a new financial year by January and hence would be willing to invest in operators in bidding of the 3G spectrum allocation.  The timeline according to this Hindu article is as follows: November 30th: Auction design, bid document to be prepared December 15th: Inviting operators to bid December 31th: Pre-qualification of bidders January 15th: Auction to be completed January 25th: Signing of contracts with successful bidders January 31th: Depositing of first tranch of auction money 3G is surely seeing a lot of traction as our visit to the recently held 3G conference showed us that there are a line of telecom content providers who are currently servicing the international markets are eagerly awaiting to launch their services in India. On talking to one of the 3G content providers at the 3G conference I was told that though the spectrum may be auctioned by December (now Jan) the actual roll out of services would take atleast a year as the operators would take time to build servicing capability. Related Posts Also Check Out: WATShow.com - Our Video Show WATJob.com - Our Job Site WATGame.com - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  Admob a global mobile advertising player which recently announced the launch of its services in India has raised its 3rd round of funding from Sequoia Capital and Accel Partners (Yes the same guys who acquired Erasmic in India). Admob raised 15.7 million $ which ofcourse which wil be utilized to futher its expansion plans in emerging markets like India. India currently ranks 3rd in the overall contribution of traffic to the sites that are monetized by Admob. Check the chart below.  More metrics on Admob can be found here Admob recently presented a case study at the mobile conversations conference done on the AdMob network for Range Rover Sports, Land Rover's mid size sports utility vehicle (SUV). The numbers derived from that campaign were as follows: - 2,70,30,393 impressions
- 1,54,476 clicks
- 2,48,000 visitors to the mobile site out of which 1,80,709 visitors were generated from the AdMob network.
- 45,000 videos viewed
- 1,28,000 views to photo gallery with close to 23,000 wallpaper downloads.
- 5,000 requests for dealer details
- 800 visitors asked for brochures
- 1,106 calls were made to register for a test drive of the SUV.
The above numbers though very impressive are still US centric numbers. Now that Admob opens and office in India and launches its services in India it will be interesting to see how advertisers and publishers alike take to this service. Also it will be interesting to see how local player MKhoj which is also into mobile advertising takes on competition from Admob. Mkhoj has recieved funding to the tune of 7.1 M $ from Sherpalo Ventures earlier this year. Related Posts Also Check Out: WATShow.com - Our Video Show WATJob.com - Our Job Site WATGame.com - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  Satish Dharmaraj the Co-founder and CEO of Zimbra the open source messaging and collaboration services which was sold to yahoo for 350 million $ has invested an undisclosed sum in dimdim.com the open source webex competitor which was earlier funded for 5 M $ by Nexus India Capital in 2007 and then in July 2008 for 6 M $ by Index Ventures, Nexus India Capital, and Draper Richards, from the US, Europe, and Asia. According to venturebeat Satish Dharmaraj sees synergies between what dimdim has to offer and what zimbra is offering and hence the investment. Zimbra already offers a product that provides email, task management and documents management to corporates by funding dimdim the same could be scaled to offering web conferencing as well. Also dimdim could easily exit to Yahoo/Zimbra which already boasts of fortune 1000 companies as clients and a estimated revenue between 10-20 million $ last year. Dimdim on the other hand follows a Free-mium model via three products: Dimdim Free, Dimdim Pro and Dimdim Enterprise. Dimdim Free has two editions, open source community and free hosting. Dimdim Pro has been priced at $99 a year and is highly scalable, while the Enterprise version starts at $2,000 a year. Though the Free version is free for front-end customers, Dimdim gets a share in the revenue from the service providers. The company is also exploring the possibility of revenue from advertisements in the free version. (source) We have contacted Dimdim Cofounder on the possible strategies and synergies with this new funding and the road ahead for Dimdim. Shall update this post with his answers so stay tuned. Related Posts Also Check Out: WATShow.com - Our Video Show WATJob.com - Our Job Site WATGame.com - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  Mytoday which is an sms group site by Netcore has launched a series of mobile portals by the brand name Nayanaya.mobi. These portals are aggregators which aggregate content from various sites and repurpose the same for mobile viewing. The Nayanaya concept is based on the breaking news premise in which the latest news updates via various sites are shown on the mobile. The verticals that Nayanaya.mobi is covering is news, business, cricket, sports, tech, world and movies.  Some blogs have wrongly reported that MyToday plans to monetize the modified content by other publishers by placing ads on them. Which is clearly not the case. The content of the site is modified for mobile viewing which is stripping images and even the banners and showing text in its place like top banner or frame etc. Essentially the model that Nayanaya is following is no different from what In.com is following i.e. aggregation but for the fact that In.com shows the entire page of the content providers (including ads) in an iframe. Check example of DNA via in.com while Nayanaya is modifying content to be viewable on mobile and hence the banner images are stripped away. Does that mean that the traffic isn’t reaching the publishers? Or one is using entire content from publishers? Not really.. Each time a user clicks go to article the nayanaya website pings the original content site i.e. traffic and modifies the content to be viewable on mobile. Same is done by In.com as well. The issue that publishers may have with Nayanaya is the fact that they earn no ad revenue as the ads are stripped in the modification. This is where Nayanaya could form a business model by tying up with publishers to offer text ads to their advertisers on the nayanaya platform. Hence nayanaya plays a platform role while content publishers get an alternative revenue stream on mobile and nayanaya earns a % of the same. Though it sounds easy it wont be that easy to execute this. We have contacted Rajesh Jain of Netcore who announced this service via his blog for more clarification on the business model of nayanaya. Related Posts Also Check Out: WATShow.com - Our Video Show WATJob.com - Our Job Site WATGame.com - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  More Recent Articles |