Minutes after holding a meeting with PM Narendra Modi, Mamata Banerjee attended a sit-in demonstration against the CAA. Addressing the protesters, Mamata Banerjee said, "Remember, inside Belur Math, there is a Dargah too.
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Minutes after holding a meeting with PM Narendra Modi, Mamata Banerjee attended a sit-in demonstration against the CAA. Addressing the protesters, Mamata Banerjee said, "Remember, inside Belur Math, there is a Dargah too.
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2008 saw the birth of Zero Waste in Europe. Its roots were in Capannori, a town of 46,700 inhabitants near Lucca in Tuscany, Northern Italy, where zero waste policies were enacted by the local community and municipality. Back in late 1990s, incineration was gaining traction in Italy and communities such as Capannori were left to fight the construction of incinerators on their own.
The storm that brought snow, sleet and rain to the region overnight and into early Monday gave us a bit of a lull today. Now, a second storm is moving into the region, bringing additional snow overnight into Tuesday.
Hundreds of students in Mumbai have gathered at the iconic Gateway of India in Mumbai as they continue their protest, which began last night, against Sunday's mob violence at Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University that has triggered outrage across the nation. In a statement, students said they have "occupied the heart of the city at Gateway until we don't know when".