Back in November 2006 at a Web 2.0 conference Google had some interesting facts to share about speed, user experience and user satisfaction. They asked a group of Google searchers how many search results they wanted to see. Users asked for more, more than the ten results Google normally shows. More is more, they said. Google ran an experiment where they increased the number of search results to thirty. Traffic and revenue from Google searchers in the experimental group dropped by 20%. Why did that happen? Didn’t users want more? Well Google found an uncontrolled variable. The page with 10 results took 0.4 seconds to generate. The page with 30 results took 0.9 seconds. Half a second delay caused a 20% drop in traffic. Half a second delay killed user satisfaction. had a similar experience… They tried delaying the page in increments of 100 milliseconds and found that even very small delays would result in substantial and costly drops in revenue. So how have things changed over the past 2 years? How long would you wait for a website to load? 4 seconds? 10 seconds? 30 seconds? Since I’m part of popular gaming website in India, I know that a user won’t mind waiting for a particular game to load. But he gets really impatient when the homepage doesn’t load really quick. A lot of financial decisions are also made based on the heaviness of a page. Video ad networks ask us to put their tags on pages which take a minimum of 10 seconds to load. Though this might irritate the end user, having a quick loading page can make a video ad lose its impact. As a portal do you put a banner size limit for clients? The tolerance level varies. A return visitor to your website will be more forgiving but a new user won’t. In the modern day when a regular net user is surfing with multiple browsers and dozens of tabs open, even a slight delay will equate to a loss of a visitor. At the time of writing this post, I have more than 20 tabs open! Speed matters. People do not like to wait. Do not make them. Related Posts Also Check Out: - Our Video Show - Our Job Site - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  MTNL, the government owned Telecom company and Mumbai & Delhi’s leading cellular service provider is now offering Voice email service for both of it’s wireless and landline subscribers. MTNL has over 7 million subscribers both landline and mobile to which One Voice’s Mobile Voice service will be offered beginning this month. This means that now the MTNL subscribers could read and send email messages from their Yahoo! Mail, AOL Mail, Gmail, Hotmail or corporate accounts, all from their existing landline or mobile phone. MTNL estimates in the next 12-months that over 300,000 MTNL subscribers will subscribe to our MobileVoice service. MobileVoice gives these subscribers immediate access to email, anytime, anywhere and from any phone. The technology for the MTNL’s voice email is provided by One Voice Technologies, a developer of 4th Generation voice solutions for the Telecom and Interactive Multimedia markets. In early 2008 MTNL had planned to invest Rs 1500 crore for the completion of major network expansion, which included phasing out all long-standing technology and installing a new state-of-the art IN network system. In December, 2008 MTNL became the first telco in India to launch 3G mobile phone services with roll out of Video call and Mobile TV service in New Delhi. The recent move of the company makes it evident that it is determined enough to stay ahead in the telecom market in these cities. It is also reported recently that BSNL, another state owned company and a telecom major is now set to launch a low cost, web-based video-conferencing system from the first week of this month in the Kolkata circle. The cost of web based video-conferencing is very less compared to traditional video-conferencing where capital expenditure and maintenance cost was considerably higher. The technology for the low cost video conferencing is provided by a Delhi-based company CEPL. The tie up with CEPL is revenue-based and the capital cost and the entire service management, including hardware and software was its responsibility, sources said. Calcutta Telephones would offer four tariff plans from zero to Rs 1,999 rental to suit every pocket. The usage charge would vary from Rs 12 to 5 per minute depending on the plan tariff. Related Posts Also Check Out: - Our Video Show - Our Job Site - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine   The speculations are rife that Microsoft latest upcoming operating system windows 7 would be launched in 6 different versions. The company in order to avoid clash of versions would heavily promote only two versions i.e primary version for consumers which will be called Windows 7 Home Premium, and the one for businesses which will be called Windows 7 Professional. Versions to be launched: Windows 7 Home Premium:: main promoted version for home users. Windows 7 Professional:: main promoted version for business and professionals. Home Basic :: It would mainly be used as OEM VERSION. Starter edition:The Starter edition is intended for sale in developing countries There would also be a Top-end Enterprise version for big corporate customers and a similar Ultimate version for consumers. Those versions will include security features and a few other tools not available in the two main versions. Does game of plenty work? - Microsoft first encounter with multi-tiered versions of their product started with windows xp which was launched in versions like home, professional, media centre edition etc…this practice of launching plenty of versions in the market seemed to have paid during xp time but was not so successful during the time of vista launch.
- This multi-tiered approach results into a increase in use of pirated operating systems in emerging markets and the reason being that people believe that the core or simple version may not be enough for their work and higher version being unaffordable they go for piracy route.
- It make cumbersome for people to decide which version to go for their use.
Why does microsoft play this game: - The main reason for launching multiple versions with different functionality is to remove price barriers and make it more accessible to buyers.
- This again helps in fueling the volume growth or the sales growth for the company.
- The company is able to leverage the brand Rep of its flagship operating system to sell different versions of it which again does not put too much load on advertising budget.
Microsoft has also said in a statement that changes to the way it communicates about Windows 7 should `make these choices as simple and clear as possible for customers and partners.” Microsoft launches windows 7 beta in Hindi:  - Microsoft has announced that it has launched windows 7 in Hindi.
- The new initiatives is again followed by launch of Language Interface Packs (LIPs) in 12 Indian languages for MS Office and Windows.
- The company has also announced a total of 45 additional virtual keyboards for these languages.
According to the company,”This would facilitate company to overcome the language barrier to computing,and has showcased a variety of custom made products directed specifically at the vernacular language market - a market that has been largely left untapped till now.” If you want to download windows 7 beta in Hindi just go here and click Hindi in the dropdown box. End note: This could be followed by full fledge launches of future releases from the company in Hindi and other vernacular languages and in turn suggests that Microsoft is waking up to seriously notice the requirements of emerging markets which could provide it the next big opportunity looking at capping of I.T budgets in its prime markets. This could further imply good news for PC and Internet penetration in India as it would finally see a robust growth due to breaking of language barriers. Related Posts Also Check Out: - Our Video Show - Our Job Site - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine is furnished to provide audio-visual study materials, designed by the country’s few renowned teachers, for students of class 12th appearing for CBSE (Central board), PSEB( Punjab Board), and HSEB (Haryana Board) examinations. The materials are categorized in three sections - full subject material, chapter wise material and Test Packs. In case you are assuming topchalks to be an online portal where you can log in and get these materials for free, then let me break your assumptions - No, nothing comes for free and topchalks also follows this age old universal truth.  Another addition to topchalks’ kitty is the audio-visual lecture for CAT aspirants. Apart from these, there are two other segments - SAT & IIT-JEE- under the ‘coming soon’ category. Money Matter : For one month’s usage, one subject’s full material on topchalks costs Rs. 299( exclusive of service tax), a single chapter costs Rs. 49 and a Test Pack is priced Rs. 99. The charges vary as the number of subjects increase and the duration for the accessibility to the resource extend. Does topchalks have a place under the sun? Agreed that Internet has invaded every part of Indian life, but India is yet to become America to allow easy Internet access to a 12th standard. The number of Internet users at that stage is less. topchalks may argue that these study materials could be a savior when one misses one’s classes, but a sort of virtual class can do no good. topchalks, perhaps, is a result of impetuousness of thoughts. using CATscan may not be that bad a choice for CATers but for 12thies, our traditional mode of real classroom lectures and hard copies would prove more useful. After all, from topchalks’ materials one can only hear voices and view few formulas and statements of a topic being explained but one cannot interrupt the saved audio-visual-only lecture to get a troubling doubt cleared. Only a real lecturer can do so. And for that one must be present in a concrete, real classroom with a teacher in flesh and blood. And if your viewpoint does not match mine, you sure can take look at Post submitted by Guest author Suhani Dewra who is part of Campusfever core team Related Posts Also Check Out: - Our Video Show - Our Job Site - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  The latest mobile application that comes from the Google arsenal is called Google Latitude. And what does it do? It tells your friends and family where you are and vice versa. Yes, I know, I know, the privacy issues. As of now there have been mixed responses from around the web. But we'll get to that later. So what features does Latitude boast of? The whereabouts can be tracked on a Google map using it's My Location feature, either from a handset or from a personal computer. Besides the friend's locations in Latitude you can also get in touch via SMS, Google Talk, Gmail, or by updating your status message. Google tries to make all the info optional, which means that you get to choose who gets to view you, and if you do choose to let them keep a track over your position, you can also control what you wish to show them. So the next time you ditch your girlfriend for a cricket match, you can prove to her that you were in the hospital taking care of your cousin using this "fake" feature.  I know what you did last summer.. For all those who like the service, there are many many more who just don't see it's point. This group obviously feels that their privacy will be in danger. Imagine, if every moment of your existence, someone knew where you were, what you were doing. More over, the information is stored on Google servers. Now imagine if Google decides to mess with people, its not like they don't have enough information about you already. Now they will know where you are with pinpoint accuracy (if you're using a GPS enabled phone) or reasonable accuracy if you don't have GPS. Google also released a video explaining the privacy features of Latitude and how to use it best.  And what about the costs? "The only cost that the consumer will have to pay is the data packet charges that are levied by the mobile operators. This has no revenue advantage for us since this it is not linked to sponsored advertising, we just want to promote the use of maps on phones," said Vinay Goel, product chief, Google India. But then again, it makes one wonder, how could such a service be leveraged in the future? Competitors? Loopt which claims to "transform your phone into a social compass" is quite similar to Google Latitude supports upto 100 phones including the Iphone (unlike Google Latitude). There's also Pelago's Whrrl which "allows you to discover the world through the eyes of your friends and other people you trust." More info For the list of countries and languages which support Google Latitude, check here and yes, India is one of them. Strangely the Iphone comes in the coming soon category, this will surely bring a frown to the face of many. Why? Well according to Wired Magazine since Latitude is an always-on service (meaning it will be silently operating in the background), it runs afoul of Apple's iPhone SDK. Google is reportedly working on a version of Latitude for the company's Google Mobile App for the iPhone. Google has posted a video showing the various ways to control your privacy and suggesting some tips on how to use Latitude. The video can be found here To share your location from your desktop computer visit and install the Latitude iGoogle gadget. Related Posts Also Check Out: - Our Video Show - Our Job Site - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  New York Times, one of the most widely read websites on the web is planning to make access to its online content paid once again. NYtimes used to follow paid subscription model for its content till two years back when it made the content open and free. The idea was to test out advertising revenues by opening up to more traffic with easy access to content. This meant that certain sections called the Times Select which was only available on the monthly subscription of $8 opened its gates to non paying customers. Clearly, the move hasn’t worked well for the media powerhouse. NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller had this to say: "TimesSelect generated something like $10 million a year, which was real money, but in the end the company calculated that we'd be better off taking down the wall and letting the flood of additional visitors to the Web site attract advertising dollars. The lesson of that experiment, however, was not that readers won't pay for content." In other words, advertising isn’t raking in enough money to warrant free content, especially when they had people pay up earlier. The company has been going through some hard times financially since over a year now, first having recorded a major 4th quarter loss in 2006, which was followed by job cuts as the rising costs and dropping revenues called for a staff trim. It even sought some financial investments last year, and later Carlos Slim put in $250 million into the business. The funds were expected to help NYtimes meet its immediate money needs. To my mind the NYT guys didn’t really need to pull out their paid model in the first place (I know easy to say with hindsight by the side), especially when it was bringing in good numbers. I am a firm believer in the value of content driven websites, and value is best judged through what the reader is willing to shell out to get access to. That’s the reason certain magazines cost in the range of 150 while the others retail at 25. In fact having paid content subscribers straightaway puts a premium on the advertising happening on the site as well. The targeting and the offshoot of brand loyalty towards the publisher pushes the brand image and advertising goals of the product further. It also helps publishers maintain quality, help them with content research as well as get some really specific details about their audience. On the other hand, this experiment on their part would have its effect on increased paid subscribers from among the millions of new readers that came with the change in the site structure. So, the loss during the period can be considered notional and as investment in getting a more stable and bigger revenue stream as well. However, considering the uncertain times economically, whether people would want to pay a premium for exclusive content is debatable. Related Posts Also Check Out: - Our Video Show - Our Job Site - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine the OTA backed by Reliance Capital and Capital18 has announced that its opening up of its travel site for advertising. is pitching itself to be the destination which is visited by a userbase which is ‘most filtered, targeted and premium audience – people who access the internet regularly, are comfortable transacting online, spend more than Rs. 5000 on an average, own a credit card, live in top 10 cities in India, fly frequently and take holidays very often - both domestic and International’.  My question is wouldn’t the above userbase be same for all travel sites? Or is’s ticket prices more expensive than the other OTA’s and there by the premium audience? In that case its not surprising they are looking towards online ads rather than scaling ticket sales. Anyways Yatra also claims to have roped in advertisers like Nokia, Airtel, Citibank, HP, ICICI, Reliance Communications, Tata Indicom, Hyundai i20, Mahindra Xylo, Fiat Linea, Maruti Suzuki and some more. There is no word on whether these are through an adnetwork or directly to yatra. On the point of performance vs branding based advertising Nikhil Rungta – Head of Marketing for said, "We will offer both branding and performance oriented solutions. For branding we have customized sponsorship packages and web banners; for performance we have an extremely qualified database for lead generation, SMS and e-Mail marketing,”. We hope they don’t spam people in the name of performance marketing. Given the recessionary environment and pressures on revenues dont be surprised if some websites you signed up ages back start sending you 20 mails a day! Now the BIG question: Will advertising work on a Travel Booking site? I have my doubts on the same. See its the objective the user comes for on a website. I expect Click through rates to be dismal on and even if impressions are high there is a difference between impressions and actual visibility of the ad. Users come to sites like yatra with a clear objective i.e. to book flights, rails, buses etc. So only relevant context ads like hotels, tourism related, luggage brands might work from a visibility point of view as these ads will catch my attention given my mindset at the time of booking the site. Also creative has a large role to play which is grossly undermined and not considered into the equation when one talks of perfomance marketing. All in all I would be surprised if given the times Yatra does garner sizeable revenue via ads. More that building revenue it might just compromise the user experience on the travel site and cause a dip in the travel bookings. A place where ads might work better would be Yatra’s travel content community portal Related Posts Also Check Out: - Our Video Show - Our Job Site - Our Gaming Blog WATSearch - Our Search Engine  More Recent Articles |