There are 8 new posts in "WATBlog.com - Web, Advertising and Technology Blog in India" Google’s Adsense for Feeds now open to the PublicAfter over two months of testing the program through select feed publishers, Google has now opened the flood gates for the public to enable Adsense Ads for their RSS feeds. Google, which bought the Feedburner network back in 2007, has now enabled anyone to integrate Google Adsense ads into their feeds and benefit from their program. Recently, FeedBurner closed down new sign-ups for their FAN program, which lets publishers display FeedBurner network ads into their feeds and then monetize from them. An employee was quoted by GoogleSystem:
Now, when you log in to your Adsense Account, you will notice the ‘Adsense for Feeds’ link. One can run through the setup for displaying the ads into his feeds. The set up is simple and Google chooses the best size to display the ads, depending upon the device that the ad is being viewed in. However, the ads will now show up in the RSS feeds yet. Why? You may ask. Well, currently, there is no direct link between your Feeds and Google Account. For that, you can burn a new feed at the end of the set-up or wait for Google to transfer your feeds from Feedburner to their servers. Google employees recently opened up a manual process to transfer the feeds over to Google’s servers, which required the account holders to email Google’s team and await a reply. Unexpectedly, the team was bombarded with requests and the manual process has now been temporarily paused for request. What this means is, it will not take even more time for the transfer. However, Google Support says that an automated process will soon be enabled for all accounts. One notable change after the transfer is the change in the Feed URL:
has now been changed to
User who actively used the Feedburner MyBrand service to use their own domains as the URL will now need to change the CNAME records from feeds.feedburner.com. to ghs.google.com. to avoid any 404 errors with the URL.
RSS as a PlatformRSS has undergone massive developments in the recent years and we’ve seen more and more websites adapting to RSS. Lately, we have seen a number of startups base and build their products around RSS. It has no longer remained a simple ‘content-delivery-tool’, but has become a great marketing tool and an amazing tool to drive traffic to your site. Internet users are making to use of RSS on a much wider scale to get more and more information right to their desktops, without the need to fire up their browsers. Services like Google Reader and NewsGator offer products that synchronize your feeds across multiple computers making sure that you get updated content, no matter where you are. RSS as an Advertising PlatformRecently, we published an article from a guest author who spoke about RSS Advertising and the elements related to it. RSS has become a great tool for website owners, marketers and other individuals to reach out to a large number of people with a single-click of a mouse. It had become necessary to tap this great resource and start cashing in through its advantages. RSS Advertising has made sure that the advertising material still reaches to any visitor who does not wishes to visit the website, but prefers reading the content on his desktop. Why Google?Advertising is the most important revenue source for Google. It was an obvious move by Google to first acquire the popular service FeedBurner and then integrate its own services into it. Although it took a while, Google now hopes to speed up the process of the transfer so that its publishers can start earning right away. Once the service is fully functional, it will enable millions of Google Adsense Publishers to generate revenue from the content that they syndicate. Websites such as TechCrunch, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb who have thousands of followers will now be able to generate revenue, even from its RSS subscribers. But will it really work?It is well known that the best method to monetize from your contextual ads is to integrate them into your content so that they blend and mix making the users to click on them. Millions have been made through Google’s Adsense program. It is considered one of the best programs in the marker for CPC (Cost per Cick) and CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions) revenue. But, will integrating the same into RSS feeds really work? Personally, I don’t think it will. Let me try and explain why. 1. RSS subscribers are comparatively more advanced than any average-Joe visitor who visits a website. The know-how of an RSS subscriber is much better than a random visitor who visits the website from a search engine result. Hence, the RSS subscribers are more likely to know about the presence of Ads in the feeds and hence are less likely to actually click on them, unless they are really interesting or important. 2. Currently, Google Adsense only allows the ads to be places at the top of your content, or at the bottom. Thus, there is no way to actually integrate your Ads and your content together. As a result, the most the publishers could do is ad impressions. Relevancy of AdsSince Google’s Adsense Ads are based on their Contextual algorithm, the success of this program also depends on how well the algorithm places relevant ads into the feeds. Mashable has already had an incident where the Ad displayed was really ‘not-so-relevant‘ to the content being syndicated. As you can see, the above is an excellent example of the Algorithm going for a toss. In the end, it all boils down to the performance of the algorithm to display the relevant and and to the user who might just be kind enough to take a look at it.
Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult Why Google Wants The White Space Between Your TV Channels (Spectrum)After reaching 70% market share for Internet search, what else can you ask for? Well, more. Recent reports say that Google now wants to free the usage of white spaces within the TV spectrum. White-what ? Within TV-what ? OK, let me explain. We receive the TV channels through broadcasters (FOX TV, Star TV, Zee TV), who beam the channels up into the airwaves. Actually, these are the radio signals, which get carried onw hat is termed as frequencies (or spectrum). Think of the spectrum as a pathway, on which the TV channels ride to reach your TV antennas. Now who will use which spectrum is decided by FCC (Federal Communications Commission) in the US. So, FCC decides what frequency to offer to what players. SO, these spectrums are regulated. You have to take a license to be able to use one of them for TV broadcast. Ditto for cellular phones. The cell phone companies get a license for a specific spectrum band in which they can operate. It has to be licensed by a government authority. FCC in the United States. TRAI and DoT in India. Now, there is another kind of spectrum, too, that is free. As in, you do not need a license to use it. This is the spectrum used by Wi-Fi. Remember, you can take any Wi-Fi enabled device and use any Wi-Fi network, anywhere. In a mall, restaurant, airport, café, anywhere. So, this spectrum is unregulated. All well, so what’s the problem? Well, apparently, Google wants the FCC to free up chunks of spectrum in the licensed TV spectrum for providing Internet service. What this means is that not all the bandwidth of spectrum reserved for the TV channels is used by them. And Google now wants the unused part to be used up for providing the Internet services. A lot of lobbying has been happening lately in this domain what with Google and Microsoft, both favoring the cause. If that happens, anyone can walk in and use such a spectrum to access the Internet with virtually any device. Unlike today , when certain kind of devices are licensed to use the spectrum, like set top boxes, antennas, and mobile phones. The game has turned a bit political, in the United States. On the other hand are the companies like TV broadcasters who are against the idea, 'coz they argue that allowing Internet access through this spectrum will cause interference with the TV signals, thereby affecting the TV reception quality. Also against the move are the established cellular companies, who have spent billions to create infrastructure to provide Internet to the end consumer, whereas this move might ensure a free Internet to the consumers. Google has even launched a lobby website for the cause - FreeTheAirWaves.com. Let’s have a look at what different stakeholders have for them in this if this Google succeeds in its intentions. Well, Google might be advocating the cause of free-and-ubiquitous Internet for all, but it has its commercial interest, too. If this happens, more and more people will log on to the Internet from various devices. More people online translate into more people using Google’s service, which , in turn means, more ad revenues for Google. This is what Google has to say about this (officially)
So, here you go. Freeing up the white spaces is in the large general interest of Google. Microsoft Microsoft is a strong supporter of the cause. Needless to say, we all know Microsoft’s attempt to de-throne Google from Web’s number position. Microsoft is doing every bit to stay relevant in an increasingly competitive connected world. (To disagree, thrash us on our post - Microsoft LIVE Search : Will It Steal The Show ?). Again, in absolute terms, more people accessing the Internet means more people using Microsoft’s service too. Also, ZUNE as a device might benefit largely if this goes through. Wi-Fi is built into the ZUNE. True, this freeing up won’t be using ZUNE, but whatever it might use, ZUNE does have wireless network related functioning enabled into it by default. There are more chances of MS building such a technology. In fact. They might already have one. In order to show the Federal government that this kind of device would not interfere with the TV signals, Microsoft engineers took it upon themselves to build such a device and showcase it the US authorities. If they are successful, Microsoft will have a headstart over any other such company. ZUNE is not a bad player after all. TV Broadcasters TV Broadcasters fear that allowing new devices to access the spectrum might interfere with the TV reception. Well, if they are right, Google better step back. However, Google, Microsoft, Motorola have been conducting tests to prove that its not the case. Unless its proved otherwise, TV companies have a good reason to be afraid. Cellular Phone Companies Cellular companies have been cribbing about interference, too. They say the new Internet signals will be interfering with the existing cell phone signals. However, there is more to this picture. Cellular phone companies have invested a lot in establishing an infrastructure to bring the Internet bandwidth to the paying consumer. Be it wired or wireless. If the White Space Internet appears as the new form of wireless broadband Internet, much of their investment would go down the drain. They have every reason to fear. However, if the end consumer benefits in the whole process, Google and Microsoft will market it well enough for all the relevant audience to know. This might do little to help the cause of the Cellular companies. Our Take Given that the new White Space Internet signals do not interfere with either the TV broadcasters or the Cellular frequencies, it seems like a good idea of a ubiquitous Internet. That space is anyways lying there wasted. If it can be used to provide the Internet access, I do not see anyone complaining. Not the consumer, at least. With the launch of the FreeTheAirWaves.com websites, Google has taken the war public. It is asking the people to sign the petition to free the white spaces. If it gathers enough numbers, the lobbying can get heavier. However the players on the other side are heavy weights, too. Media companies and cellular networks. Much will depend on who gets the ball rolling in the political sphere. Till then I’m expecting a lot of press coverage from both the camps. So what do you think? Are you ready to give away the free spaces within your TV channels? Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult WATBlog Spots 5 Useful Yahoo Pipe Applications to Ease Your Online HabitatHow many times have you scrounged through Google to figure out how to do a certain thing the way you want? How many times have you spent sleepless nights just searching for a particular widget? Well, while I’m in no doubt that, almost always, Google must have bailed you out of your ’situation’, have you ever stopped and wondered how the developers built those widgets? no, you do not, necessarily, have to be a web developer yourself to be able to achieve a lot of those little tricks. How? Well, for that, you need to hail Yahoo Pipes!
Looking at the growing popularity of Yahoo Pipes’ usage and popularity among developers, WATBlog decided to scout around a few Yahoo Pipes applications that might help ease your online life a little. People SearchDeveloper - Sylvain Description - When was the last time you met someone on Twitter or LinkedIn and wanted to know more about that person? Did you ever happen to like your chic co-worker and tried researching on the web about her preferences and emotional stature before deciding whether or not to plunge into the act of wooing her? Are you a start up founder who just got to know about a great guy to hire but would rather have some more information at hand before hiring him? Yes, I know, Google, Orkut and LinkedIn helps you a lot in such cases. However, wouldn’t you like a one-stop shop that is very much capable of meeting your needs? People Search extracts data from Google’s Blog Search, Yooci, Sproose and MSN Live Search. Although the results are very optimistic, it would have been great if other sources like Summize, Flickr and Friendfeed could also be included. Online Brand ProtectionDeveloper - b10g Description - Have you wondered how people must have reacted to that awesome online application that you launched? What did people feel about the latest Proto meet? What is the public reaction on the latest MOTO ROKR E8 that you plan to buy? What do you normally do when such questions pop up into your mind? I’m sure the very first thing you’d do is turn to Google. Well, here’s a wonderful mash up that allows you to search services like Google Blogs, Technorati, Ice Pulse, Yahoo, MSN & Google News and many more. All you need to do is type your query and wait for a very comprehensive result. As the name suggests, Online Brand Protection is also great in managing the online image of your brand!
Twitter Reply Sniffer, With DatesDeveloper - Dawn Foster Description - This one is going to be a run-away hit and I can bet on it. Till very long, I had been depending on the Twitterfox’s reply tab to check out my Twitter replies. It was Ankit who first showed me how to effectively use Summize (now Twitter Search) to track your replies. However, after using the techniques, I was not very pleased with the results, thanks to Summize’s habit of eating up a lot of tweets in the way. Twitter Reply Sniffer has been configured to track many Twitter search engines at the same time and hence ensures delivery of every single reply to your browser. Of course, it doesn’t have the ability to let you know every time there is a new reply waiting, at least it doesn’t gobble them up.
Your Own Stalker FeedDeveloper - Matt Description - If you are reading this blog then there is a very high chance that you might be a blogger too. The very fact that you are reading a tech blog post reflects that you must be tech savvy yourself. So, when was the last time you felt compelled to post little icons on your blog, advertising about your Twitter URL, Facebook Status, Flickr Photostreams and the likes? Why burden yourself and your fans any more with so many urls to track? This beautiful application allows you to mash every single feed from Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, Google Reader Shared articles and even your own blog into one single feed URL that you can ask your fans to use. Save effort, save time!
Web ComicsDeveloper - Adam P Description - No post from WATBlog could ever conclude without the element of fun in it and this post is no exception. After all the techie stuff and advertising jargon that you read on WATBlog, we are sure you’d love to take a break and clear out your mind. Well, in such a case, what could be a better stress buster than some funny cartoons featuring Penny Arcade, Ctrl-Alt-Dlt, Explosm and PBF?
After witnessing what Yahoo Pipes is actually capable, you must be all worked up to start building applications on this platform (it’s not too tough, really). Well, we shall strongly suggest that you go through this little tutorial on Yahoo Pipes, from WackyB. Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult Should Indian Companies Provide Their Employees Freedom to Engage Online?The long weekend gave ample time for me to catch up with some long lost friends. And is the case with long lost friends the topic turned to each others work. Surprised that my work meant blogging, tweeting and telling companies how to use Orkut, they lamented on how most of these are banned at their workplace. The latest in the casualty ward being my favorite boy Twitter. I find it extremely narrow on the part of firms to simply ban any medium that has traces of creating a non productive workforce. Banning is not a solution, in its broadest sense it is colloquial and only leads to resentment. It is similar to the views that echoed a few years back, saying not everyone should be allowed to blog. The companies that resisted such a temptation are now seeing the payoff. Knowledge Centric Organization. Poof!It is ironic that these are the same organizations that harp on creating a knowledge environment. The web, in its new media avatar is the epitome of knowledge sharing and distribution. To block it out under the pretext of productive use of work time is to my mind making a mockery the word knowledge in your organizational goals. When we define the scope and power of social media, the prominent line often repeated is how conversations are the new marketplace, and they will happen regardless of whether you as a company is involved or not. The best you can do in such a situation is to be part of the conversation at least as a listener. And given how large social media is, one ear won’t suffice to be part of it. Of course, one can easily argue that the employees bring it upon themselves by abusing the freedom. No company would inherently hate any new development in communication after all. However, is pulling the plug the only solution? Why can’t firms take a moment and see if these online adventures can be used to their advantage? Social SolutionWhy not use the most prolific users of social media within the company as brand evangelists. Why not reward employees who use sites like Orkut or Facebook, or services like their personal blogs to increase brand equity of the company. Why not encourage them to promote or create conversations about a new product or a feature or to get feedback. This needn’t mean they have to spend hours scrapping or tweeting everyday. What are your appraisal systems for if they can’t keep a check on work time lags? Give the power to your employees to decide how they want to use their time. Measure their activities in terms of results both with their primary roles as well as their online engagements. Let them take a call on where they see more benefit. And if they can get your work done simultaneously with their social life online, what’s the harm? To ConcludeNot being productive is inherent to people who aren’t enterprising, and sadly that is how most of the Indian workforce are. Squeezing them shut into world without windows only leads to a sweaty disgruntled room and not an efficient palace of ideas. Innovation lies in turning threats into opportunities, it is such innovation that can scale. Use the your human resource in terms of the tools that they attach themselves to. The time spent can easily be considered investment in branding, marketing and HRM, that’s what social media provides anyway. Am I being optimistic with such a solution? Would we as employees bother about any motivation to use the freedom for workplace evangelicalism on our social network? Would there be a better way to connect online and yet not hamper workplace productivity? Will any firm bother looking at such alternatives or would they still take the easy banning way out? Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult Picsquare.com Takes Investment from Bhola Digital LabsPicsquare.com one of the many photo sharing, printing and gifting sites that we covered in this slideshare presentation has finally secured funding. Picsquare has raised an undisclosed sum from Bhola Digital labs which is a decade and a half old company into high quality printing solutions and is spread across Karnataka. There have been a number of online photo printing services which have been funded in the last year or so. Here is a list
There are also players like Gkvale.com which have been around in the offline side of the business for years and are now investing in online photo printing. On the whole this space has now got almost half a dozen funded and money muscle backed players and there are still a dozen that are still around peddling the same stuff. A consolidation is inevitable as I see it for most of the smaller shops. Another interesting question this funding raises is whether strategic investment is better than financial investment? Picsquare has surely taken a strategic route by choosing Bhola Digital as its investor. Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult UTV Acquires 80% Stake in Californian Gaming CompanyNot too long ago, we brought you news of UTV acquiring a 76% stake in ITNation, which owns digital news properties like Techtree.com, CXOToday.com, Channeltimes.com and Enterpriser.in. Now, Business Standard reports that UTV Interactive, the gaming division of UTV software has acquired a 80% stake in True Games Interactive, a gaming company based in California. True Games Interactive is known to focus on the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) model, which is fast becoming popular these days. The company plans to release its first title in Q3 ‘08 and has inked a deal with Petroglyph, the dev team best known for its ”Star Wars: Empire at War” and “Universe at War” series. UTV’s promoter, Ronnie Screwvala plans to invest $75 million in the gaming division of UTV. Puneet Malhotra, CEO of UTV Interactive, speaking to Gamasutra, said:
UTV Interactive already holds a controlling stake in Ignition Entertainment, a console gaming company based in the UK and acquired a 51% stake in Indiagames for Rs. 68 crore back in 2006. With the acquisition of True Games, UTV has now marked its presence across three major gaming platforms viz. console gaming, online gaming and mobile gaming. Developments in any or all of these platforms will be a big boost for the company’s progress. The online gaming community has been globally expanding at an alarming rate and is expected to grow 36% from the current 276 million to 376 million in year 2012. This growth of the community is expected to increase revenues from $5.7 billion to around $13 billion in 2012. Countries who are adopting to this style of gaming will play a major contributing role in the development of this sector. Already, the US and Europe are high growth markets with easy and widespread availability of broadband at the consumer’s perusal. Online multiplayer gaming makes it easy for anyone to use their PCs and internet connections and play along, thus nullifying the need of any extra hardware. Even though the gaming industry in India is booming with more and more international companies outsourcing development work here, the Indian gaming community has been slow in adopting to the developments in the market. Despite console gaming being popular, the community is yet to explore grounds of online gaming. A large factor for this could be the lack of good internet connectivity in the country. The lack of unlimited broadband is also an important factor for the slow growth. This is an attempt by UTV interactive to strengthen its foothold in the MMORPG market that is expected to have substantial growth in terms of size and revenue in the international markets. Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult EVENT UPDATE: Mobile Monday, Mumbai - VAS Players Unhappy on Consultation Paper Released by TRAI - Ask for ‘Level Playing Field’!The August event of Mobile Monday Mumbai was held yesterday to discuss the consultation paper released by The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on mobile value added services (VAS) recently. WATBlog was at the event to see what the esteemed panelists had to say about TRAI’s recommendation on regulating and licensing mobile value added services and other services to be provided via 3G and Next Generation Network (NGN). The panelists were -
Interestingly, TRAI has released one more recommendation yesterday, suggesting unrestricted VOIP. TRAI seems to have finally woken up and will hopefully dole out policies which will have good benefits for the end consumers. On the mobile VAS front, TRAI has asked a number of questions to VAS players in India. However, the most discussed question in yesterday’s event was:
The discussion started off with Arvind Rao, CEO, OnMobile (OnMobile is a leading VAS player in India and has recently gone on an acquiring spree). He mentioned that regulation is required to provide better quality services but licensing is a severe problem. All the panelists were completely against the idea of licensing. However, they do not mind registering with TRAI, the services they offer to Mobile Operators. Viren Popli, SVP & Head - Mobile Entertainment, Star India rightly said, “Registration is okay but licensing is a problem. It’s like opening of the Pandora’s box, where will we draw the Lakshman Rekha?”
The discussion rounded off with the note that TRAI has made an effort to bring some kind of sense in the chaotic world of VAS in India. The current VAS industry in India is estimated to be $1.5 billion according to Arvind. The question to be asked is how will the end consumer be affected if and when the policy is passed by TRAI?
WATBlog’s Take One of the points also discussed in the event was on laws and regulations required for content providers. Already, there are laws which protect content providers (Copyright Law) in India but what lacks is the proper enforcement. As the end consumer, we question our operators when a problem occurs or the content provided is offending in nature. However, the operator cannot be held responsible as he is just providing delivery network and collection point to the content provider / VAS player. Therefore, the question arises, whom does the end consumer go to voice his grievance? Here come the benefits of having some kind of regulation in the VAS industry. If and when a policy is passed by the TRAI keeping into consideration the above facts pointed out by leading VAS players in India, there will not only be growth in the VAS industry with more players entering and giving consumer more choice to opt from but we will also see a drop in the prices we are charged to obtain these services. We can arrive at a win - win scenario for all where the VAS players get a proper revenue share and visibility, the operators don’t have to face the back lash from their customers and the end consumers get to enjoy more and better quality services.
Yes, it’s true that “Open access fosters innovation”. But, even a presence of a process and a few regulations are also required to be able to tame the market and provide it with a structure. The very reason why TRAI is interested to get VAS providers under the licensing regime stems from security concerns that have been spurred by the issues concerning Blackberry services in India. The regulatory body has also raised concerns regarding licensing obligations for protecting copyrights like distribution rights management and other laws. TRAI feels,
Licensing should actually standardize the industry and resolve issues like revenue sharing and opening up of access pipes with the operators. With the upcoming 3G networks in the country, licensing is very essential in cases of foreign investors and technologies sweeping the market. Such debates have actually created a rift among the Rs 4,500 crore Indian VAS industry players. With the advent of Mobile Virtual Network Operators, the telecom operators and VASPs need to look into their practices and redesign the revenue sharing model. Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult 5 things to do while waiting for your iPhone or to avoid buying itSomething is wrong! “iPhone, iPhone, iPhone” - this is all I can hear everyone yell, these days! (Pic source: Nick Anderson) What are you doing while expecting your iPhone? Let me guide you with the following 5 to-dos:- 1. iPhone desktop themes for Windows XP and Vista - If you are running Windows XP/Vista on your computer, you can get a look and feel of iPhone with the desktop themes for XP and Vista respectievely. 2. iPhone skin for Winamp - if you use Winamp as media player, you can download and apply the iPhone skin to play your favorite tracks the “iphone way”. 3. iPhone Wordpress theme and Blogger template - If you run a blog hosted on Wordpress or Blogger, you can show the readers your iPhone-love by installing the iPhone theme for Wordpress and iPhone template for Blogger respectievely. 4. iGtalk and iPhone version of Facebook in Firefox sidebar - Since, there is no official iPhone theme available for Firefox, you can install iGtalk addon to access Gtalk in iPhone style. Also, you can access you Facebook account in iPhone style by installing the iPhone Facebook sidebar addon. 5. Ask a question - Join various communities, groups based on iPhone and ask “5 Things To Do While Waiting For Your iPhone?” the way i did, here. Do let me know if you have some ideas to add, from your side! *Note: If you notice, the above tips come handy to avoid buying an iPhone too Related PostsAlso check out Our Jobsite: WATJob Our Video Show: WATShow Our Gaming Blog: WATGame Our Consulting: WATConsult More Recent Articles
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