There are 3 new posts in "WATBlog.com - Web, Advertising and Technology Blog in India" Confickr.C - Is a Virus Threat Looming This April Fool’s Day?Graham Cluley, of the security specialist Sophos, has claimed that Conficker C is programmed “to hunt for new instructions on April 1″. There has been tremendous online buzz about Conficker C, a malicious virus for quite some time now. Will it Wont’t it and if it will what will it do are the many questions doing rounds. Conficker C is a sophisticated piece of malicious computer software, or malware, that installs itself on a PC hard drive via specially written web pages and then conceals itself on a computer. According to PCMag, “avoiding detection is a major theme with Conficker.C. It’s not the first malware to try to defend itself in-memory against security software and diagnostic tools, but C does a lot of this. For instance, it disables Windows Automatic Updates and the Windows Security Center.” Conficker.C is not the first of its kind though. There have been earlier versions A and B (and even a B++ if I am not wrong). Conficker first caught attention in 2008 infected over 9 million computers. According to Yahoo, Conficker C, the worm has grown incredibly complicated, powerful, and virulent… though no one is quite sure exactly what it will do when D-Day arrives. And that’s the catch. Everyone knows that the malware is going to be deployed, but what will it do and how will it harm just presents clueless faces. The ET report suggests that on April 1 all the world’s millions of infected computers may receive simultaneous instructions to attack, or to flood the Internet with spam email. Cluley explains the situation as, “It’s as if someone is assembling an army of computers around the world, but hasn’t yet decided where to point them.” Alright, so another exciting April 1 in the making. I figure the funny part would be that a lot of unwitting users might get their computers infected and not even know that their system has been infected. It will also put a lot of harmless online pranks under the microscope perhaps. Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: Recession Blues Spurring Online Ventures - AskSaurabh - a New Job PortalAskSaurabh, a portal set up by Pune-based Mr Saurabh, talk about inspiration for a name. Saurabh recently lost his job in Yahoo, has started this portal along with his friends Mr Anthony, Mr Iqbal Gandham and others. It is a job portal where users can post CV and jobs in a wide range of areas such as design, engineering finance, general, HR, quality assurance, testing and software development, among others. Businessline quoted one of the founders Iqbal saying, "Our philosophy is simple, if we can help one person get back into a job, our Web site would have done its job.” Apparently Asksaurabh doesn’t allow recruitment agencies to post, while at the same time there is no charge for posting. According the report, 60 companies posted their requirements in the last 20 days while over 500 job seekers signed up for posting their CVs and finding prospective employers. To me this seems a venture just to showcase the skills of the people involved with this project. At the footer of the site, they have prominently displayed a hire us link, which leads to a web development firm’s site. In that way more than AskSauarabh it seems a promotion for Sapna solutions, with Ask Saurabh acting as a case study in my opinion. In that case it puts serious doubts on Ask Saurabh as a project. How long will it run? What is its business model? Will it end if Saurabh gets a job? Now the about page of the site clearly suggests it as a fun, non profit initiative. While that point is taken one wonders how long can such a project last really, which to a certain extent mind run on the minds of the users. Such questions apart, the site itself is quite a neat piece of work and has a very different look to conventional cluttered job sites that most Indians are used to seeing. The fact that they don’t seem to rake in any advertising revenues either means the site is …well free of ads (how obvious was that). Most of the jobs seem to focus on tech and web related from the postings we see on the home page as well as through features like the tag cloud. Personally I feel they could have come up with a better tagline, though the group of European friends using the Indian flag’s color scheme certainly adds the desi dose to the whole project. Check out the website if you have recently been laid off or if you are looking for people to hire, you might find them cheap here. Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: Guruji Sees Surge In Search Traffic - Will It Really Help Ad Revenue?It was not so long ago when Guruji was termed as the next big thing on the Indian web scenario but what really happen is not less than a debacle. Impact of music search engine? The introduction of music services by Guruji really seemed to have helped them to inch forward with their traffic stats as this has catapulted them into top 5 search engines in India. There music services could attract a bunch of lawsuits in future because they also allow downloading of music content from wreck sites which in turn violates many laws. They are currently looking for associations with other legal music providers to launch their own inline music search service. Can other services bring more traffic? Their focus on providing Movie Timing search, local search (yellowpages) and music search is certainly bringing in traffic but could also be hurting their PPC revenues due to less dependency of advertisers on guruji’s search traffic and the objective moving to listening to music which lowers click through rates on ads. Only time will tell if guruji’s strategy to diversify in different verticals helps both traffic and ad revenue in the long run. According to me the game with ad revenue will be tougher with multiple verticals. Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: More Recent Articles |
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