There are 2 new posts in "WATBlog.com - Web, Advertising and Technology Blog in India" Obama Brings Change to WhiteHouse.gov - Starts a BlogBarack Obama and his rise through the ranks first as a presidential nominee and thereafter as the President Elect of USA is also fit to be an Internet marketing case study among many other historic things. And now as President of America he has bought his call of change in to the White House website - WhiteHouse.gov, by starting a blog on the famed pesidential website. An article on the New York Times said that Obama changed the face of American politics with his use of the web, much like JFK did with the Television. That he went beyond mere fund raising to actively using what the web can do better than other media in terms of buzz, reach, and communication draws parallels with the fairy tails many digital marketers seek to script for brands online. Whether it was YouTube, or Twitter or Facebook or his website, he and his team used them perfectly, we can say that now because he won his election of course. Anyway, enough eloquents has been waxed already about it and I don’t intend to add to the clutter. What is good to see though is that he hasn’t left behind the web legacy with the legacy of his remarkable campaign, instead he has carried the beacon of today’s communication to his new address. Obama had setup Change.gov immediately after winning the election for the web folk to follow him, and now that the transition has happened, ‘change’ literally has come to Whitehouse.gov. The idea of introducing the blog in the president’s website is to satisfy three main points of the Presiden’t agenda:
In a rather descriptive post by Macon Philips, the Director of New Media at the White House, explains the point of having the blog and how the President wants his countrymen to use the facility. And as expected towards the end one also finds a call to the readers to provide feedback and suggestions on how they would like the blog to be used. Also, like almost all babies of the Web 2.0 era, the online activity of the White House would also be in perenial beta constantly changing. The highlight of the blog is a proposal to use it as a medium for people to be involved (Participation).As the blog post puts across:
To give a recce of the blog itself (I think recce is innapropriate, but I like the word) it has all subscription features you would expect including RSS and email but they are not shown prominently. Now I wouldn’t have bothered much about it considering it is not your regular run of the mill blog, but given the fact that communication is touted as an important aspect, and the inaugaral post mentioning these options to the reader, they probably could have made these easy to access. The blog doesn’t have a comments section either which is definitely understandable though. It is a custom made blog with 12 Javascripts and 5 CSS stylesheets and 6 JQuery scripts ( I don’t know what you are going to do with that bit of info). There isn’t much to add beyond really, the only reason to even blog about the White House blog is that it has started a blog. That is a big deal for bloggers who realize and understand the power of blogs. Here’s to a changing world and the changing faces of the good ol’ weblog. Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: NDTV Active Ties Up With Affle, But What’s Mkhoj Doing in The Midst of it?Afaqs reports that NDTV has tied up with mobile marketing player Affle (of SMS 2.0) to monetize NDTV Active, their mobile portal. The deal looks to make the most of the advertisers tapped in to the system by Affle with its SMS 2.0 product by offering NDTVs popular portal as a publishing base, instead of the media house having to hunt on its own. The tie up is exclusively with Affle which will in turn help sell the inventory which numbers over 3.6 million page views a month according to NDTV. Affle has commited a fixed annual advertising revenue in return for the exclusivity. Sanjay Trehan, chief executive officer, NDTV Convergence the digital arm of NDTV, said, "Basically, we have outsourced the ad sales function of NDTV Active to Affle, which has guaranteed us a fixed amount of advertising revenue on an annual basis. The advertising outsource deal will be based on a revenue sharing model between NDTV Convergence and Affle." Anuj Kumar of Affle echoed the same thought that leveraging on the existing advertiser relationship forms the basis of this tie up. However, interestingly he added that ad sales representation is currently an add-on to their core business, though being a holistic mobile marketing solutions provider with such strategies is on the cards in the long run. And they also seem to be in talks with other premium mobile portals according to the Afaqs report. Now for all those who are wondering what does Mkhoj have to do with all this, it is just that NDTV Active had an ad powered by Mkhoj running on their website. Ads provided by Affle would be live on the site only after a week. However, NDTV is currently said to be selling their inventory on their own (as mentioned in the press release). This statement in the release is what raises questions about Mkhoj. Have a look at this screenshot. Some of the questions that this does arise are:
I don’t want to ruffle any feathers here, but these questions did come up on my mind and hence listed them here. It does certainly make the whole tie up a lot more interesting for sure and some strong signs of competition within the mobile marketing industry. Perhaps the opportunities in mobile advertising goes beyond the obvious. Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: More Recent Articles
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