There are 3 new posts in "WATBlog.com - Web, Advertising and Technology Blog in India" Inviting You To WATBlog Panel On “Lessons From Failure For StartUps” On 23rd Jan @ NIMHANS, Bangalore (Post Proto.in)Yes WATBlog Panel is back! After doing one in Delhi in December In January we are headed to bangalore. Weare doing a WATBlog Panel on “Lessons Learnt from the Failures of Startups” at NIMHANS Convention Centre in Bangalore on 23rd January, 2009 at 6:30pm. This is in association with Proto.in which is happening on 23rd & 24th. The registration for this is separate from Proto.in and one can register here. The panel shall be followed by Dinner and Mixer.
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The panelists are as follows:
An experienced entrepreneur, Rohit has co-founded successful startups like Webify (acquired by IBM in 2006), CommercialWare (acquired by Micros in 2002), and been in executive management at large software companies like Baan (BAANF), Remedy (RMDY: acquired by BMC), and FileNet (FILE: acquired by IBM). Rohit is an industry speaker at international conferences, and an author. His book titled – How Innovators Connect, was published in March 2007. Rohit actively mentors young entrepreneurs and serves on several boards.
At the age of 19 yrs, he kicked off his career by co-founding a company, at his home town Cuddalore, a tier 3 town near Pondicherry, India. After this initial stint of 3 Yrs, he went on to work at Hewlett-Packard. Later, Suresh joined Selectica and rose to senior position, as Director of e-Insurance product division in a short-span. The e-Insurance Division and its products were later acquired by Accenture. He has exposure in global client engagements at DELL, Vodafone, Unilever, etc. Mr. Sambandam has 15 years of industry experience. He is a technocrat specializing in product engineering with expertise in software architecture for complex enterprise applications, inference engines, configuration engines, rule-based computing and middleware. He has applied for multiple US / WIPO patents. Has a post-graduate diploma in business administration. Mr. Sambandam is passionate about entrepreneurship, technology startups and spends a significant amount of personal time in the startup eco-system. He also does mentoring for budding entrepreneurs at IIT Bombay, E-Cell. Suresh is a regular speaker at industry forums & academic institutions.
MyDuniya Networks provided mobile application platform supporting "Beyond Voice" applications for the end consumers and enterprises. In 2000, Mr Subramanian co founded, JumpStartUp VC, a US $ 45 million fund focussed on investments in early stage, information technology companies in India and US. Mr Subramanian has been a classical VC since 1993 and began his VC career at ICICI Ventures focussing on investments in young and high growth companies in the business services, consumer services and product companies in the Information Technology sector. Mr Subramanian has held active member of the Board of Directors in several listed and private high technology companies and has played an active role assisting those companies in business strategies, growth directions and strategic initiatives. Mr Subramanian graduated with Honours in Chemical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli and holds an MBA from XLRI, Jamshedpur, India.
Rajiv started his entrepreneurial journey at 20 years of age right after his graduation with a fresher jobsite Jobs4freshers.com in 2005. In 2006 he started a group technology blog in mid 2006 called WATBlog.com (WAT- Web, Advertising, Technology) which quickly gained credibility and became the mouth piece of the digtal media space. It was the success of WATBlog that lead to the setting up of WATConsult - A Social Media Agency. Now WATMedia Pvt Ltd as the company is know is into Media, Events and Consulting. Rajiv has 3 years of core startup experience and has also reviewed over a 100 web and mobile startups on WATBlog.com. Rajiv is also associated with Startup Event Proto.in, an active member of TIE (The Indus Entrepreneurs), a mentor at IIT Entrepreneurship Summit and an Alumni Advisor to the Jai Hind College Entrepreneurship Cell. Rajiv has done Bachelor of Management Studies from Jai Hind College and has an MBA in Marketing Management from Welingkars Institute of Management. Rajiv is an avid movie buff, an avid reader and a big fan of Robin Sharma’s books. Some famous quotes by personalities on Failure to gear you up for the panel I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work - Thomas Edison, inventor and scientist failure can be intrinsically valuable
The most important of my discoveries have been suggested to me by my failures. - Humphry Davy I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate. - George F. Burns We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery. - Samuel Smiles I never see failure as failure, but only as the game I must play and win. - Tom Hopkins Supporting Organisations: Previous WATBlog Panel's Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: Automattic Launches WordPress.tv - Takes the WP Community into a Visual RealmThe Wordpress guys launched Wordpress.tv - a video driven community site for wordpress users and developers. The idea is totally content driven and includes videos of Wordcamps, How Tos and Tutorials on Wordpress. Also on cards are slide shows of presentations and interviews of and from the Automattic team. In basic it is a complete video center on anything related to open source platform. The site is mainly divided into Wordcamp videos and How-Tos. Presentations, interviews, and audios are included in the Wordcamp sections including Behind the Scene videos of the event. While How Tos have a wider classifications as expected going into nitty gritties of blog management, tools and administration, and also have videos on feature discussions, media and even writing for that matter. The whole picture gives a comprehensive look not only in terms of getting information on Wordpress but to in terms of what’s involved in terms of running and growing blogs. The site to my mind provides a wonderful insight into the blogging community in general. The videos include tips and talks on both Wordpress.com as well as Wordpress.org use. The Wordpress community is one of the more vocal and active among the new age open source groups online and therefore one was bound to find innumerable resources on Wordpress related matters online anyway. Wordpress.tv can perhaps act as a filter and a more refined resource center considering the media involved and the people behind it. However, Automattic intends to portray the website as more than a support resource and more as a community hangout for WP fans. The fact that their event Wordcamp gets prime space on the site as well is an extension of this thought I presume. For Automattic the motive of this initiative seems a direct contact in terms of what issues are most sought by users both in terms of the direct questions they mail in, as well as the videos that are looked up the most. For a competitive niche like blogging platforms this is a goldmine of data. Beyond the research goals, it also seems a venture to involve the community even more at a holistic level, get them involved directly at the head of the community instead the long tail spread over various blogs on the web. To my mind how the community will span out over the period of time will be a significant case study on how socialness of the web goes beyond the medium. You can check out the short intro video on what WP intends with Wordpress.tv to get a better idea about the site. Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: WATShow With Ashish Gupta On Slowdown, Its Impact & What He Looks For In Startups?Ashish Gupta is one of my favorite people in this space. The sheer depth of knowledge and the articulation of the same with words makes him one of the most impactful speakers Ive heard (Trust me Ive heard a few). So we were overjoyed when we got the opportunity to shoot him for an exclusive WATShow on slowdown, its impact and what its takes for a startup to get funded. Check out the WATShow below (its again a must watch!): You can check out more such insighful interviews on WATShow.com our video portal with the largest database of exclusive interviews with thought leaders and decision makers from the digital media space. Related Posts![]() Also Check Out: More Recent Articles
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