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Monday, August 31, 2009


Dear Customer,




Dear Sir/Madam


     We consider being great privilege in forwarding you the particulars of some strategy which might not be reaching to your hand. Stop disquieting we are present to provide your needs.  Just trust us to stretch your hands we embrace you, for generations.


Newly launched plans just pay for only three years, accordingly as per your comforts, with three optional mode I.e. single, Qtrly, Halfyrl, yrly.




v  Tax Benefit

v  Savings

v  One time Investments.

v  Short time Investments.

v  Long time Investments.

v  Risk Coverage.

v  Every year growth to Fund Value.

v  Eligibility 0-69 years.


NOTICE: Dont you feel these are the advantages. For what are you waiting? Rush to utilize this opportunities.


Thanking You

With warm regards




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